Sep 21, 2011

That lingering memory

It's that faint hidden smile that only you could spot in the crowd that you miss. You came and left when you had to and that seemed all right at the time. I won't even try and understand why because everybody always has their side to each story, their own set of justifications and beliefs. But to what extent can you keep trying to hold onto that memory? Its already just a faded thought disappearing into what already was its emptiness. It never was more than just that lingering something in your mind, in your thoughts. And that's why such precious little is left of it. Look at it. How much is there and how much was there to begin with if only this is left? Was it ever truly there? Or another figment of your imagination, whatever that is. Can you still get that same scent or is it just an association that you impose onto your senses and bribe them to put it all together to fit the puzzle's pieces, if only for the shortest while. I wish I could remember to remember. I wish the memories were clearer. Sleep takes it all away and I wish I had never shut those eyes...

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